Your generosity makes HFF possible!

We are humbled and thankful for the generosity of our HFF family. We give because Messiah gave Himself up on the cross for us. We give back by investing in His kingdom and people through our time and tithe as a first fruits offering of the fruits God allows us to have. We use these tithes and offerings to further the benevolence of the church.

While attending services at HFF, you can use giving envelopes and place your offering in the offering container inside the worship center.


Your donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the world and in our local community.


Send a check payable to
HFF Church
and mail to:

HFF Church - PO Box 720103 Norman, OK 73070


Click the button below


Give using Venmo @HFFCHURCH


Contribute text “GIVE” to 405.277.0755

Thank you for investing into the Kingdom through HFF Church.

Your financial partnership allows us to fulfill our vision of making disciples through missional communities.

All financial donations are 100% tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. HEBRAIC FAMILY FELLOWSHIP (EIN 81-1215191) is a non-profit organization under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).